Sunday, January 22, 2006



  • Saturday, January 21, 2006


    Monday, January 16, 2006

    Power Overwhelming!

    So I got Shaw Extreme today, and went to the cnet bandwidth speed test.

    Thursday, January 12, 2006

    I thought ghosts walked on TOP of the water??

    BAD PIG! baaaaad....

    Tuesday, January 10, 2006


    Saturday, January 07, 2006

    Our Mission:

    to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly PWN where no one has PWN'd before.

    This is the fearless leader of PWNstarz, James.

    He uses so much of himself up for WOW, there's little left of him for work.

    He plays a character named Daihmon most of the time on Shattered Hand, but like most of us, he has a selection of alternates.
    Arianso is one of his alternates, in fact...

    Just makes me wanna jam on the brakes!

    Casting some crazy shit... and such.

    Thursday, January 05, 2006

    1 exp

    WHAT UP BITCHES!!! ok so ya, dont you hate it when you are fucking killing guys left and right for hours, so that you can wear your new 1337 quip, well i was, and twice this hapepned to me in a row, i kill what i think is the last guy to lvl and i dont get my level and im all like wtf wtf omg omg ! AND THEN IT HITS ME LIKE A BRICK, im 1 exp away from lvling, and the other time i was 3 exp away from lvling, so in total i wasted 1 minute of my life! haha


    Their plan... and how they failed...

    So, you know how you sometimes see a low level horde rounding up people for the hidden high level that is with em? Normally works, where the low level gets attacked and the level 60 slaughters the low level attacker in seconds.

    Well last night I thought maybe I will go to moonbrook and hit up deadmines for a bit, and when I was there I found a level 12 rogue with a level 60 warrior buddy.

    I thought this could be interesting so I formed into my cat to get ready, as I watched the rogue got below half in health so I thought this was the perfect moment to strike, while running past I threw a backstab in and got a crit, he was dead the warrior started to come towards me and I bolted.. seeing as I was in cat form I run at 130% of normal speed, so an escape was easy.

    But now I was flagged for PVP by these horde characters so my hunting would be a bit tougher, I went back at it though.

    (being flagged just mean that they could attack me at will now, as before they had to wait till i started a fight. This was only becuase we were in alliance teritory, in contested you can attack at will and in horde well you have to wait for them to strike first.)

    I searched for them again, and this time they were a bit deeper into the dead mines and I standing on the boards above them, still flagged I jumped down and Started thrashing at a full health rogue and again took mere seconds to drop him and again the warrior gave chase..... The final score in my little battle against the level 60 and 12, was 2-1.

    I was too into it to think of taking a screenshot. But I had a hell of a time. Hehe.

    Tuesday, January 03, 2006

    It's a wittle bunny trying to sneak up on me!

    Look at that guilty look on his face!

    Just then, the Knights of the Round Table came and the bunny set to work.
    Sorry, but the scrnshots were just TOO graphic to include here.





    Monday, January 02, 2006

    Flight of the... Patrick

    Hi there. My name is Jatias (jeh-tye-iss). I'm a paladin.

    I'm a new paladin and I'm still taking in the wonders of the World of Warcraft with a baby's eyes.

    I like that there's so many people in WOW that you can interact with. As you can see, I'm ever mindful of my manners:

    I have this trouble with heights. It's that, whenever I get near them I start contemplating dark things..

    My friend JORDAN took me for a ride on the tram between Stormwind and Ironforge.

    I swear he shoved me! He musta used some kind of hack!

    Ohhh the shame! :(

    Patrick's Day at the Tram!

    Who's House?